Not good results… so far.

March 23, 2006

So, I’ve tried three different web log posting tools for the Pocket PC over the last couple of days. Rather poor showing so far.

First, the parameters I set for myself is that it needed to be a native Pocket PC application. No web page synchronization like AvantGo. I’ve used AvantGo before, I’ve designed applications around it and while it does well at its intended purpose, it isn’t what I need. I basically want a local application that can:

  • connect to the XMLRPC API on my WordPress weblog and get the categories and previous posts and download to the local device.
  • Then, it needs to allow me to create a new post, using those categories already downloaded.
  • I need to be able to save as a draft for later posting.
  • It needs to be network aware
  • It needs to allow offline posting. For example, if I post a message and it is unable to connect to the server it should queue that post for later delivery when the network is connected.
  • It needs to show decent error messages. One of the ones I’ve tried (Blog in Hand) just displays ‘The server returned an error while attempting to submit the new post.’ Pardon me, but that is as bad as a Microsoft error message! If it returned an error, tell me what the blasted error is!
  • It needs to allow me to bold, italicize, insert a URL, etc. without having to write HTML code. I can write code; I’m looking for a tool that does that simple task for me.

I’m sure there are more features I’d want, if I gave it some thought.

Looking at the list, I think I’m writing a design document for myself… perhaps it is time to start thinking in those terms…

Update: I forgot to list the ones I’ve tried so far: Diarist, Blog in Hand, and … drat, I can’t remember the other since I already deleted it. I guess I’ll update again when I remember.

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